Sudore Wellness - Industry Q & A

Industry Qa With Jim Belanger President Of Sudore Wellness

Provide an overview/ description of your industry.  Include reasons why it’s a great industry to start a business in today. 

Fitness has been and continues to provide exciting opportunities within the franchise industry. People are spending Billions of dollars on fitness, supplements and diet. Every segment of the population continues to learn as they age of the benefits of exercise.

Many fads will continue to happen, at Sudore Wellness we believe that fitness truly is not boring and the increase in energy and strength continues to provide a greater quality of life. 

How has your industry changed in the last 10 years?  20 years? 

The industry continues to be about fads, testosterone and injuries. Overzealous trainers continue to train with their mind and heart, although well meaning, still too many injuries occur. We will see fads continue to come and go. We will actually see many of them succeed, as the need becomes clearer with the aging of the complete population. We will actually see our industry attempted to be the next venture capital takeover. Their plan is to out manage mom and pops and many times they will, however the strongest bond is with the trainer and the client. Personnel Trainers will continue to exist however with little personal benefits and retirement. We have the chance to provide great jobs and careers. The most successful will change the industry by caring for employees and trainers. This with decide the weak from the strong in our coming years.

What trends do you see in your industry over the next 5 years?  Next 10 years? 

More gimmicks, and more and more. And then we will see companies like Sudore set a new standard for the industry. Crossfit set the latest standards, however over time we will see weight training overtake the cardio training. The difference is so distinctive it is only a matter of time. In Fitness it is hard to hide results.

What is the biggest concern about your industry that a franchisee candidate should be aware of and investigate? 

Attracting trainers who understand people and movement. Too many think just lifting is the answer and they are not afraid to tell you about it. 

Why do you think your company stands out in the industry? 

Our approach to pain and the tolerance of no pain. The trainer who is into no pain, no gain is a dinosaur and will be extinct.

What makes your franchise/ business opportunity more attractive than your competitor’s?

No royalty until 100 paying members, and no personal guarantee. Solid program with performance a customer can see in 8 weeks. Feel in the first class.

Describe the ideal candidate.  Do you think your requirements are any different than your competitor’s? 

Our competitors have done an excellent job with their candidates.  As an ideal candidate funding and cash flow are critical. Under capitulation  is a nightmare in any new business. We are looking for franchisees to be able to handle 5 to 20 units. We are not looking for single operators.

What’s the strongest skill you require in a candidate?  


Describe the working environment of your franchisees.  Is your environment typical of other companies in your industry? 

Yes our facilities are fun and its’ hard not to work out every day. It just is inviting even when watching a class. We want a good time, with no judgement in our facilities. We are not looking for the client who drops weights and feels there is a degree of anger in a workout. If training to be a professional and you have anger issues, you will not be a professional for very long.

Why has your company been successful? 

Customer service, everyone gets a little better each day.

What advice would you give someone interested in buying a franchise in your industry?  

Do the workout, see if the customer can with stand the training and advance in skill and strength. Will it make a difference in their minds, are you sharper after the workout and did they over train you for their ego.

How much experience in this industry should a franchisee candidate have should they consider buying a franchise in your industry? 


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